Friday, October 2, 2009

Very commercial ...very popular, muy al estilo gabacho

What is Qigong?
In Chinese the word "Qigong" has two characters, Qi (Chi) and Gong. "Qi or chi" means life energy and "Gong" means daily effort. In short, Qigong is a practice to use chi for different purposes including self-healing. Everyone is born with chi and everyone has the potential to use chi for many purposes. It is the same way as swimming, we are born with the potential to swim but only when we acquire the skill to swim then we can enjoy different water activities such as scuba diving, water polo, free style, butterfly swimming, etc. In the same manner, the skill to use chi is trained not born. Once a person is trained how to use chi, he or she then can use chi for martial arts, dancing, weight lifting (yes, weight lifting as the Chinese trained weight lifters using qigong!) and of course, medical, self-healing.

What is Zhineng Qigong?
Zhineng means intelligence. This medical qigong method was developed by Dr. Pang Ming. It has more than ten million practitioners at one time or the other. Its headquarter, Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Center, is located in Qinhuangdao, five hours by train East of Beijing. This center is the largest of its kind in China, and the world's largest medicineless hospital. (Do not be confused with ZhiNeng Medicine Qigong. It is a different type of qigong. That's one of the reasons why we use Chi-Lel in the Western world).

What is Chi-Lel TM Qigong?
Chi-Lel means chi therapy. Chi-Lel is a trademark by Luke and Frank Chan since 1995 and it is our version of Zhineng Qigong. We try to interpret Zhineng Qigong as closely as possible as we travel to China frequently to update the latest research. Yet the situation in China is very different from the USA (Western World) and we must take advantage of each society's characteristics. In the West, we don't have the luxury to gather hundreds if not thousands of people to practice at one time. Yet, in the West, we have the technology to make different soundtracks audiotape to facilitate individual advancement. (click to find out more)

Cancer en general.- Este es un muy buen articulo para empezar. Cancer de Seno recurrente .- busque aqui Efectos fisiológicos de QiGong.- haga clic aqui. Videos en YouTube? tambien pueden encontrarse: por ahi encontré este, espero q' aun este disponible. Libros con vista restringida (no aprece todo el libro): - The theory and practice of taiji quigong .- Link
- The Healing Promise of Qi .- Link - THE COMPLETE IDIOT'S GUIDE TO T'ai Chi and QiGong .- Link

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